Monday, March 3, 2008

Appologies etc..

I haven't taken near as much time as I should on your blog, and I apologize for this.. You are almost here and yet you have no history.. So let me go back in time....
You were conceived, we believe back in the late part of August, and your Due date was made for May 17th, 2008. Mommy has said that you have acted different than Danielle, no hiccups to date, but that you can push quite hard. You also seem to be alittle lazier than your sister, taking naps and just hanging out. Oh and by the way we found out that you were a Boy at the end of December right before Christmas. :)

I am still hoping that you come early so that you have a cool birthdate like 5/7/08 or 5/6/08 but if you want to come around the 17th thats ok too :). You will be delivered via C-section, just like your sister. Speaking of your sister, she is very excited to meet you, and has been giving you hugs and kisses almost on a daily basis. Let's see what else.
Yesterday we went and saw you!! We went to Walnut Creek and brought Grandma to see you in 4d. You were not cooperating at all and were as far away from the camera as possible, the Dr. made mommy move all around, but you were not being very photogenic. We did finally get to see your head/cheeks, and long legs. which were up by your head. It was great fun to see you, and very memorable as well.

On the 5th we will get to see you again, and most likely for the last time prior to you coming into the world. It's your last check out to make sure that everything is going well.
Mommy also has to go and take the 3 hr blood glucose test again as she did with Danielle

Your room is still in process, but we've decided on a theme, and am sure your going to enjoy seeing all the cute dinosaurs. Your room is right across from your sisters, but you won't be staying there for a few months, You will be in mommy and daddies room so we can feed you and look after you.

Again I appologize for not keeping this very current. There are things happening right now that I will tell you about later on, about why I didn't keep this as current as your sisters, but I promise to do a better job in the future.

Love you....